
  • Can Sitting Kill You?

    Have you ever been at your desk so long that your bum feels numb and your hips are stiff when you get up? Sitting for prolonged periods is required for many jobs, but a sedentary lifestyle leads to heart disease, diabetes, cancer and of course obesity. The phrase ‘sitting is the new smoking’ really catches…

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  • Editor-In-Chief, Neil Nyren, on Getting Published

      Neil Nyren is the Executive VP, associate publisher and editor in chief of G.P. Putnam’s Sons,  a division of Penguin Random House. He has been at Putnam for over 32 years, and before that, at E.P. Dutton, Little Brown, Random House, Arbor House, and Atheneum. Among his current authors of crime and suspense are Clive Cussler, Ken…

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  • 6 Requirements of a Great Writer’s Critique Group

    6 Requirements of a Great Writer’s Critique Group

    Writing a novel is an arduous task that requires removing many layers of chaff to get to the core of good story telling. A critique group is something no beginning writer should be without. Your critique group can help you with resources like writing conferences, professional organizations and writing coaches. You can share the highs…

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