
  • Winnie-the-Pooh was not from London, UK

    Winnie-the-Pooh was not from London, UK

    Winnie-the-Pooh was the name for a black bear called Winnie. The name was short for Winnipeg, my hometown. And get this – Winnie was a GIRL! Here’s the scoop: During the First World War, troops from Winnipeg (Manitoba, Canada) were being transported across Canada on their way to Europe.  When the train stopped at White…

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  • Resources for Writers

    Resources for Writers

    Writing fiction is an ever-evolving challenge. Here are a few of the ones I use. Professional Associations Professional Associations are a great way to meet other writers. They offer conferences and classes to improve your writing and opportunities to hear best selling authors. You can find critique groups, writing contests, meet agents and editors. International…

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  • Unlocking Your Novel’s Genre: 4 Foolproof Methods

    Unlocking Your Novel’s Genre: 4 Foolproof Methods

    Why is genre important? Readers use genre to find a book because it gives them an idea of what will be in it. Defining genre has been a challenge for me. My main character is eighteen years old and in college, so my novel doesn’t fit into the young adult category. I have some suspense,…

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